What is Transformation? And what does it mean when we talk about Personal Transformation? Dictionary definition: A marked change, as in appearance or character, usually for the better.
Transformation, or change for the better, can occur in any area of our lives. Personal Power and Self-Confidence, Finances, Spiritual Awareness, Health and Vitality, Relationships, Physical Environment (your home and parts of your home, your office space, your garden), Limiting Thoughts and Beliefs, Soul Healing, Mental Transformation, and more. Is there an area of your life that you’d like to transform?
Personal Transformation usually begins with willingness. Willingness to be teachable, to let go, to free-fall for awhile, to embrace new ideas, to change. Just a drop of willingness is all it takes. And often, that willingness comes from being “up against a wall,” being exhausted and frustrated, feeling suicidal, going to the brink, getting laid off, getting divorced, a health crisis. Is there any area of your life that feels that way? Are you Struggling? Are you in pain (physical or emotional)? Do you feel overwhelmed by Life? Are you losing hope? Are you “up against a wall?”
Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could reinvigorate your life and your relationships? What if you felt hopeful and vibrant again? What if your pain was gone and you were filled with joy? Imagine if you were empowered and powerful, without being scary or daunting or bitchy? Can you envision yourself as brilliant and beautiful and graceful?
This is what Transformation is all about. You’re not too old! You’re not too far down. It’s never too late to begin! Wouldn’t now be a great time to find yourself?
I love EFT because it can so swiftly help us overcome a lifetime of limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns. With EFT we can clear traumas. And when we combine EFT with meditation, compassion for ourselves, and a commitment to Accountability for ourselves, Life begins to be joyous. We begin to find our True Nature and True Purpose. We begin to care for ourselves and love ourselves. And we begin to change and grow and Transform.
More on Transformation in Part 2