Tapping Into Higher Consciousness – Basics and Beyond

The latest in the Tapping Into Higher Consciousness series of courses.

Tapping Into Higher Consciousness – the Basics and Beyond a 6-week LIVE on Zoom course. I’ll be your host all along the way.

In the past few months and years, you’ve probably heard a lot about “consciousness”. The word is used all over the place! But what is consciousness? Why should you care? Where is your level of consciousness? Why would you want to “Tap Into Higher Consciousness?”

In this course, you will learn the basics of Tapping Into Higher Consciousness, and you will also learn how to begin effortless creation from the higher levels of consciousness.

Tapping Into Higher Consciousness will provide you with the toolbox of tools to raise your awareness so that you can work WITH the energy of Ultimate Creation (The Universe, God, Source, Highest Self, etc.). And from that state of being, you can experience effortless creation.

“Does that mean I don’t have to DO anything and I can just wish for stuff and experiences and have them materialize?” Not in this Earthly experience, no. But it does mean that we can begin to follow our Spirit/Soul/Inner Guidance so that we can “do less and accomplish more,” and eventually, we will “do nothing and accomplish everything.”

Most of us have been taught to believe that we have to struggle and work hard in order to get what we want. We’ve been programmed to believe that life is hard, and money doesn’t come easily. We’ve been programmed to believe that we are victims of our genetics. But those things just aren’t true! In fact, most of the things we’ve been taught to believe aren’t true. Not in the highest sense of Truth anyway.

We have all been programmed (with habitual thought patterns) – by our families, our communities, our churches, our media, and more. We believe and think things we’re not even aware of – until someone bumps up against our beliefs and we react unconsciously and habitually.  And we wonder why our lives don’t change!

In our time together during this course, you will begin to become aware of your own programs, and how to change them. No, you don’t have to change them. That’s up to you. But most people find the new awareness to be so much easier and aligned with who they truly are that the change comes pretty easily. You will begin to see things in a whole new way!

Imagine viewing Life from a bird’s-eye view. Or even higher! Life looks very different from there. It sounds different. It IS different!

This course will take place over 6 consecutive weeks.  We will meet together, live on Zoom. There will be 2 calls each week.  The schedule is below. When you register, you will receive the recording of each call so that you can review the tapping, or if you can’t be there live you can still get the results

This course is for you if…

-You are a beginner on your journey to greater awareness –       you don’t even have to know what that means!

-You’ve begun your journey to Higher Consciousness and         want to continue to expand your awareness. Even if               you’ve taken my Tapping Into Higher Consciousness             courses before, you will gain new insights during this             course! We’re always growing and changing!

-You are an advanced practitioner of ‘working with Higher         Consciousness’ and want to enhance your practice.

-You think you are too old to change

-You are in the midst of a personal crisis and you don’t              know how to get out of it or get through it.

-You are a ‘spiritual-but-not-religious’ person

-You are a religious person (Christian, Muslim, Jew, or               other). This course will not conflict with your religious           beliefs and may actually enhance them.

-You consider yourself to be an atheist

-You are tired of struggling – in any area of your life

-You just know you have untapped potential and want to            bring it forth

-Your relationships aren’t working as you’d like

-Your limiting beliefs keep you stuck

-You thought your stuff would make you happy, but it                 doesn’t (don’t worry, you can still have stuff, but with new     awareness.

Full course schedule:
 -Tuesday, July 16, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Pacific Time (see time                   converter for your time zone)
-Tuesday, July 23, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Pacific Time

-Tuesday, July 30
, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Pacific Time
-Tuesday, August 6, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Pacific Time
-Tuesday, August 13, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Pacific Time
-Tuesday, August 20, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Pacific Time

If you’re ready to take part in this life-changing, 6-week program, click the ‘Buy Now’ button. It’s just $69 for all 6 live classes (on Zoom) and recordings

By registering for this course, your email will be added to my email list so that you can receive reminders and recording links. You can unsubscribe at any time, but we recommend you wait until after the course is complete so you don’t miss out on anything.