Tapping Into Higher Consciousness

Tapping into Higher Consciousness

 An 8-week program, Live online!

Learn how to Cultivate Higher Consciousness for greater life satisfaction, and to Create the Changes you desire. During these extraordinary times in human history, we need to raise our individual and collective consciousness in order to create a New Paradigm that truly reflects our dreams, our desires, and our values!

This class is scheduled as follows:
Fridays, September 10, 17, 24,
and October 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, at 10:00 a.m – noon, Pacific Time.

(here’s a time converter for you).  

$129 for the full 8-part course, including video lessons, live coaching calls, and recordings!

-Why raise your consciousness? Because until you do, you will simply repeat old thoughts and behavior habits, and thus get the same old results. You will repeat old traumas and hurts. As you cultivate Higher Consciousness, you will be more capable of healing, expanding, and creating. You will begin to step into your true potential. Your nervous system will feel more soothed more of the time.

-Do you want to have a greater impact on humanity?  You must raise your consciousness!

-Do you want to learn to manifest easily and quickly? We will cover this in this course!

-Do you want to change your outer world? You must begin by changing your inner world. As you become aware of your own level of consciousness, you can learn to expand it, to raise it. It doesn’t have to take 20 years of meditating in a cave! We can make some of those changes right now!

Of course, we’ll be using Tapping!

We’re in a time of great change so let’s explore and create conscious change together. Think way beyond what you think is possible!

That schedule again:
8 Fridays: September 10, 17, 24, and October 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.

Learn How to Cultivate Higher Consciousness!

An 8-week online course presented by Helen McConnell. During this 8-part course, we will explore the following:

-What is consciousness?

-What are the levels of consciousness?

-Why should you care about the levels of consciousness?

-Where is your consciousness level currently in the major life areas? And you’ll measure your shifts and changes.

-How to raise your consciousness in different areas of your life and create change that is in alignment with your Authentic Self.

-Gain access to higher levels of consciousness and relieve your own suffering and the suffering of others.

-Raise your consciousness to create a new reality.

-How to use Tapping to consciously raise your consciousness

-And more!

All calls will be recorded, and registrants will receive the recording link each week. Recording meditations will be sent to participants to help facilitate these shifts.

Just $129 for the 8 calls, recordings, and more!. Register and pay by clicking the button.


Here is a more detailed outline of the course:

Week 1: What is consciousness? What are the 4 Levels of consciousness? Where are you in consciousness?

Week 2: What are the Level 1 ‘hooks’? Which of those hooks is holding you in lower consciousness? Let’s do some Tapping!

Week 3: What are the other Level 1 hooks that continue to keep you in Lower consciousness? How do these show up? We will continue to tap on these areas. Re-rate your consciousness now.

Week 4: We will focus on releasing resentments this week. We could spend months on this!

Week 5: This week, we’ll focus on moving beyond Level 1 consciousness and focus on Living from the Higher Levels more and more of the time. 

Week 6: What is it like to Live in Level 2 or above? Let’s clear out the blocks and fears that keep us from raising our consciousness.

Week 7: This week we’ll step into Level 3 Consciousness and discover why we are afraid to live here.

Week 8: In this final week, we will measure our results. Where is your new consciousness? What has shifted? How does this new state of awareness FEEL? How is it showing up in your life?

I hope you’ll join us for this intimate 8-week course!