Are you a smoker? You just can’t seem to quit, or have stopped trying to quit? Do you wish you could take better care of yourself? Do you convince yourself that smoking isn’t hurting you because you still work-out and you don’t have any lung ailments (yet)? You just love smoking too much to give it up! Or you’re just too afraid to quit. I’ve been there.

I know you know how much it’s costing you to keep smoking. At current cigarette prices, a pack-a-day smoker will spend $20,770 over the next 10 years, not to mention the health risks! If you invested that money in a 5% compounding account, after just 5 years, you would have $26,657!



That’s just the financial side of things, and for most of us, that information just isn’t enough to quit. As an ex-smoker who smoked 2 packs-a-day for over 17 years, there is something way deeper than logic and good sense behind quitting smoking. The addiction to cigarettes is super insidious in part because of how often smokers light up. Every time you finish a meal, or every time you go outside, or when you’re alone, or when you need a break at work and want to go outside, and when have a cocktail, or when you finish a project, and on and on. Smokers can’t imagine doing these things without a cigarette. I know, I’ve been there!

You smell like cigarettes (or pot), you spend a lot of time trying to figure out where and when you can smoke –  not everyone around you likes smoking. You limit who you hang out with because of your addiction. You make “choices” based on your addiction. I know, I’ve been there.

And despite this stuff that you already know, you still have persistent “reasons” for continuing to smoke: “I’ll gain weight if I quit”, “I’ll go through withdrawals”, “I’ll be grouchy if I quit”, “Smoking is my friend and companion,” “I’ve tried before – it didn’t work,” etc.

You might even be saying “It’s a free country, I can smoke if I want to,” and yes, it is a free country, and yes, you can smoke if you want to, but let’s be clear: smoking is not freedom, smoking is not a choice. I know, I’ve been there!

If you are ready to gain the freedom of being a non-smoker. If you are even ready to be ready to be ready to consider gaining the freedom of being a non-smoker, I can help! Remember – I’ve been there!

I have created an efficient and effective program for people who want to stop smoking. The results are phenomenal! I can work with you in-person or online. And it’s priced way less than your addiction.

I’m Helen McConnell, and I practice a therapy that incorporates acupuncture meridian points (but without the needles), and psychological techniques (without the years on a couch). My “Say “Yes” to Becoming a Non-Smoker” program will not only free you from the addiction of smoking, but so much more as well! I’m a non-smoker after smoking for 17 years. I’m clean and sober, after 15 years of drinking and using.

But even more important is that I experience emotional freedom every day. I’m comfortable in my own skin most of the time. I am able to be vulnerable, compassionate, powerful, kind, and authentic, while maintaining healthy boundaries.

So ask yourself…”What would my life be like as a non-smoker?” If there is an inkling of light and freedom, I can help you get there. If you only sense scary things, then you are truly in the grip of addiction. Let me help you get free. Schedule a free, no-obligation phone consultation today.

The details about this 5-week* program are here. Yes, in 5 weeks or less, you can be a non-smoker, without going crazy.

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