As far back as I can remember, I’ve had this niggling feeling that we actually can remember the future. But we just forgot how. More recently I’ve read comments by spiritual masters that we can, indeed, remember the future

Screen Shot 2013-03-06 at 2.00.45 PMWhen I became an EFT Practitioner, I began to experiment with this idea, planting the seed in the minds of my clients, and then later, using techniques to implement “Remembering the Future.” I then found out about “Matrix Reimprinting,” and although I haven’t been trained in that particular technique, from what I know, it’s very similar to what I do.  (I’m sure I’ll hear otherwise if it’s not). Want to try it?

Here’s how I use it – in a very general way (not specific to any particular event). In this case I will use it on myself. I begin tapping on the Karate Chop Point as I do this exercise, and tap on whatever points feel appropriate as I go through it. Always keep tapping.

First, I mentally scan my past – until I get an image of a particular younger version of me. Yes, I go to the past first, to begin using the memory muscle. This image might be a real memory, an image from a photograph, or a mind-picture from a story that was told to me about me. Don’t overthink it. Whatever comes up is the right place to begin. If you find it difficult to visualize, you can use a feeling of your younger self (memory or creation from your mind – what’s the difference?). It can be any age, and I find myself usually around 4 or 5 years old. I focus on my earlier self, and freeze any activity that is going on around her. I imagine where she is – as detailed as possible, what she’s wearing, how her hair looks, and what emotional state she’s in.


I step into the scene and say “Hi.” She immediately knows me – I don’t need to explain. If it appears or feels like she needs assistance or comforting, I offer it to her, or ask what she needs. I always wait for her to say yes or no. I chat with her, hug her, tap with her (either tapping on her – with her permission, or showing her how to tap on herself). When she is comfortable and calm, I begin to tell her how amazing she is – so resourceful and so determined. I tell her that she has kept ME safe all these years. I tell her that I know she has taken on way more responsibility than a 5-year-old should have to have, and I thank her for that. Then I ask her if she’d like to just be a kid and not have to worry about that stuff anymore? She usually says yes. I tell her that I’m going to take care of HER now, and that together she and I are going to have a lot of fun. I ask her if there’s anything she’d like to ask me, and I patiently answer her questions, whatever they are. When the time is right,  I ask her if she’d like to go get ice cream, or have a nap, or whatever seems right at the time. She’ll tell me. Then, I ask her if she’s ready to integrate with me. She knows what it means. When she says yes, I “take her into myself,” and move forward.

This part of the exercise can go to any time in my past – stopping wherever seems right. While still tapping, I may end up with my 5-year-old-self, my 12-year-old-self, my 17-year-old-self and my current-self -all talking together and bonding and healing and supporting each other.

When it’s time, I go to the future-me. Still tapping, I usually go to five years ahead (because it’s easier to imagine than 1 year from now – more of a difference, I guess) When I do this with clients, I ask how the future-self looks. If they say “old” or “tired,” or other negative, I say “Let’s give her a makeover. Right now. She looks fabulous and vibrant.” If the client can’t imagine that, we have some other tapping to do. But for this exercise, let’s keep it simple.

Helen-96Still tapping, I’m standing next to my future-self. She is confident, beautiful, vibrant. She is more lighthearted than my current-self. I’ve brought my past-self to this meeting. My future-self is delighted to see us, and acknowledges each of us with a warm hug and salutations. (If I’ve been at a “self-party,” I bring everyone along to this meeting. My future-self loves to see everyone, and it is always perfect timing – she’s never too busy to see us.

As we all tap, my future-self then talks to my past-self and me about how each of us kept HER safe all these years and helped her become who she is now. She asks each of us if we’d like to stop worrying, and just have fun. She tells us that we can all do it together, and that there is nothing to worry about. She asks each of us what we need from her. I find myself saying “Courage and determination.” She assures me that I have plenty of both, and to take them out for a spin. She says she’ll be there with me. She tells us that we are free to ask her any questions we like, and patiently answers each one. She tells us that she is always there for us, and that she is drawing us to her – no need to struggle. She taps with us on anything we need it for.

When the time is right, she asks if we’d like to go for a walk, or go get some ice cream, or take a nap, or whatever. Me and my past-self collaborate and put in our request. When the time is right, future-me asks if we’re ready to integrate. If we say yes, she takes us into herself.

I then return to the present. I usually feel rested and refreshed, and hopeful. The healing we did in the past goes all the way to the future-self. And the future-self draws me to her.

This is a lengthy exercise, so allow 30-45 minutes or so each time you use it. This powerful exercise works well on childhood issues that are stopping us from moving forward now – unrealistic fears and negative “voices” in our head. It is appropriate to use this technique on each issue that presents itself from your past. As you do this exercise, as with other EFT techniques, the results will begin to “generalize.” This means that as you tap away the intensity of several past specific events, the issue sort of melts away. We call this “The Generalized Effect.” I also believe that we’ve “tapped in” the future self, creating a vision for our future, and a positive emotional connection to that vision. We can adjust at any time.

I’d love to hear how you use this technique. The brilliant thing about EFT is that it is still in the formative stages. People are always coming up with amazing new ways to use it.

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