If you have ever thought that Nature is just a bunch of random organisms, I invite you to think again.

Nature is God’s artistry, and all of Nature can be measured with Geometry. Geometry gives Nature its poetic coherence. 

When I was a kid, I had an unconscious understanding of Sacred Geometry. I used to draw and create images using the idea of fractals. I didn’t know what a fractal was until I was well into my later years, and yet, I had a knowing about them. I was fascinated with the designs in flowers and leaves and trees, and in shells and starfish and waves. And I loved creating repeating patterns with lines and points and thread.

Nature isn’t random. Nature is amazing! If we want to survive and thrive on this planet of ours, we have to get in alignment with Nature. I believe it is imperative that we work with the laws, rather than trying to dominate them. For example, we learn to work with the Law of Gravity at a very early age. In fact, most babies are born with an innate fear of falling. Does that baby know about Gravity? Not in an intellectual way, but in a way that is like a swarm of swallows (known as a murmuration) that sweeps and swoops in a mystical dance. Those swallows and babies are each connected to consciousness. 

Airplanes fly not in resistance to gravity, but in alignment with it. The Wright Brothers understood this. Birds and bats and butterflies also fly in alignment with gravity. But these creatures don’t ‘understand’ this. They are, quite simply, connected to that consciousness. We are too, but most of us have forgotten.

Fractals are a part of Sacred Geometry. Watch this demonstration of how fractals can help you understand the Universe


When we do Tapping, I am often connecting with the consciousness of Sacred Geometry. Our minds tend to work in repeating patterns. Trauma tends to start a new pattern. We can interrupt these patterns and begin to rewrite them, creating new healthier fractal patterns in our lives. This is the basis of resolving trauma with Tapping.

What are the repeating patterns in your life? Do you think you’re stuck with those things? No! You can get free of the patterns. With the help of Tapping!


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