I am one of the biggest proponents of Tapping for use on all sorts of emotional and physical causes that create all sorts of physical and emotional symptoms. I LOVE Tapping and I use it literally every day. I encourage you to use it every day, too.

But is it possible that Tapping is holding you back from your potential?

Are you using Tapping so much that you are avoiding living your life? I’m asking because I used to  do this very thing. I spent my early years of Tapping not only learning and studying and practicing, but also avoiding living my Life. I kept signing up for another course and another course, in hopes that I would find the way to really step up to my practice/my business. It didn’t work. It just kept me small. I finally had to take some big action. And then I realized I’d been hiding away, afraid to be vulnerable, fearing criticism. I was actually afraid of success.

So I came up with a couple of questions you can ask yourself for a deeper self-inquiry. And it is important that you use the first person pronoun when you ask these questions. And ask the questions with a loving and compassionate heart!

  1. Am I afraid to Live my Life more fully?
  2. Am I so afraid of changing that I keep myself small?
  3. Have I practiced the wisdom I’ve uncovered in my Tapping? Or have I been staying safe? (This is like doing our prayer and meditation in a monastery and never going out into the real world. It may seem spiritual, but it’s really not.  
  4. And lastly, “Have I been resting on my laurels? Using the excuse that “I’ve already grown so much…I can’t grow anymore.”?

You see, humans are hard-wired for ‘security’ and yet we desire variety and growth. Trauma and limiting beliefs can keep us stuck. And Tapping can get us free. But sometimes we slip into a new level of limitations. And that’s ok.

But if you’d like to expand and evolve and grow – beyond your wildest dreams – it’s imperative that you keep doing your work while you’re living your life!

Here’s a video by Dr. Joe Dispenza (one of my virtual mentors) that speaks to the potential of all humans.

And if you’re ready for a Tapping Group experience, I hope you’ll join me for my upcoming 8-week course called “Tapping Into Higher Consciousness.” In this online LIVE class, that begins on Friday, September 10,  we will meet together once a week for 2 hours. We will learn about the different levels of Consciousness, and how you can consciously raise your consciousness. Of course we’ll do a lot of Tapping.

So WHY would you want to raise your consciousness? Well, in part because you can. And if there is any part of your life that feels confusing or scary to you, or feels less than satisfying, raising your consciousness (and Tapping is a big part of that)  is perhaps the ONLY way to change. 

No matter your age or your experience, you have not yet tapped in to your fullest potential. And it’s not too late. This course will help you become aware of your potential, and begin to step into it. Imagine if every person on the planet reached even a tiny bit into their greater potential. Everything would change!

Here’s the link again for my upcoming 8-week course (LIVE online) “Tapping Into Higher Consciousness.

If you need more information than you find on my website, please join me for my FREE introductory webinar “Learn About Higher Consciousness” on Friday, September 3, at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time. Click the button below to register.

Here is what participants have to say about some of my courses:

Mary from Washington says: I don’t know how many courses I took with Helen during the pandemic. I took every single one of them. I swear to you, it kept me sane during the shutdown. The thing that comes to mind is having joy for no reason – during all that horrific time, I had so much joy. Everyone in the class – we were creating miracles collectively and for ourselves. I can’t say enough good things about the courses you’ve created through your Tapping. That course [Manifesting Miracles with Tapping] really was life-altering for me!

Nancy from California says: Last time, I spoke about how some of my bloodwork looked good because I’m battling a disease. And you asked me what I thought helped it out. And 100% I believe it’s this openness to Higher Consciousness.

Just to be able to say, I’ve been tapping every day, and I believe this Tapping…I physically feel different.

I don’t think any of these treatments I’ve been on would have done anything close if I hadn’t been seeking this Higher Consciousness.

It’s been such a blessing.

Annie: I started Tapping with you a little over a year ago. I used to get anxious and it could ruin my whole day. And now I’m able to tap and just kind of be with it [the anxiety] and physically and emotionally just feel it shift. It is such a gift because until then, I didn’t know you could get out of anxiety without trying to THINK your way out of it or just ignore it. [Tapping] is such a great tool to have – to know that when I feel like that I can turn to Tapping and you don’t push for the outcome. It just gets to be the result and it’s so freeing to have that resource! Just knowing I can use this takes some of the anxiety away.

Quotes from other participants:
-Tapping opens us up to Higher Consciousness – this big presence, this big energy. Tapping helps us move past our limitations. 

-Show up fully, do the simple things that we do in these classes, and your life will change!

Dale from Oregon: Tapping has been such a life-saver for me. Don’t talk it out, tap it out. If I need to talk about somet=hing, I know I need to tap. When I tap, I’m so amazed at the higher intelligence that I’m connected to. I may be in a rut about something, I tap, and then all of a sudden I’ve got a whole other sphere of feelings and information and resources at my access. And it’s nothing short of amazing. I’m very grateful to you.

Joan from Washington: A shout out for your classes. I’m very impressed. It kept my vibration up. My confidence level is higher. My business is picking up a lot. This “I am enough” thing is such a game-changer for me.

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