If you stop and reflect on your life, you will see many, many patterns. Patterns of habits, patterns of relationships, patterns of results. You may feel they are ‘bad’ or you may feel they are ‘good.’ What I invite you to ask is: “Am I moving towards my greater potential self?”

I have discovered that if you want anything to change, you have to change your thinking. When we change our thinking, everything else becomes possible. Our thinking creates our emotions. And sometimes, our emotions create our thinking. Change your thinking if you want anything to change.

Is there anything in your life that’s not working for you? Here is a 6-step process for change:

-Identify what’s not working. Be specific and make it about YOU. For example: “I feel unloved in my marriage.” Not, “my partner doesn’t love me anymore.”

Notice your emotional reaction to that realization that “I feel unloved in my marriage.”

-Take a few moments to write down your thoughts and feelings about this. Notice, especially, your habitual reactions. Do you blame your partner? Do you think, ‘this always happens to me’? Do you go to despair? “What will I do without their love?” Notice any other knee-jerk thoughts or reactions. As ‘real’ as you think these reactions are, they are simply habits.

Change your thinking. Seriously, just try on a new thought. “What if this isn’t so bad as I’m making out to be?” “What if this  ends up being the best thing that ever happened to me?” “What if Divine has a plan for me that I can’t comprehend yet?” And so on. If you tap around the points while you ask these questions, you will find it exponentially powerful. Tapping does this thing that I describe as ‘loosening up the tightly-held thoughts.’ What it’s really doing is soothing your nervous system so a new, more powerful thought can come in.

-Notice how you want to go back to feeling bad, rather than changing your emotional state. Do some inquiry and Tapping around that. Remember, if you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them. Use my “New Thinking Tapping Protocol” throughout your day, whenever the old thoughts come in.

Keep practicing. Notice any positive changes and shifts.

If you get really stuck in feeling bad, consider scheduling with a practitioner who practices EFT/Tapping; Matrix Reimprinting; and other Energy Psychology modalities. These are the powerful tools for our Consciousness [R]evolution!


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