Life is an incredible journey.

I love working with people who are inspired to TRANSFORM – to learn, grow & change. It’s exciting, and sometimes a bit scary. But once the transformation begins, hold on for the ride of your life! I spent many years in the corporate world as an Executive Manager. I appeared to be successful on the outside (great salary, beautiful home, nice clothes), but on the inside I was a hollow shell (low self-esteem, unhappiness, poor relationship skills). After struggling with alcoholism for many years, I got sober and embarked on a journey to re-discover my true nature and spiritual self, and my inside began to align with my outside.

But there was still an underlying feeling of conflict.

Several years ago, a very wise man told me “the most spiritual thing we can do is to enjoy being human!” It gave me so much freedom, because prior to that, I believed I had to be one or the other – human or spiritual. My life took many turns, including motherhood. Within a 6 year period I had 4 children and I started two successful businesses to support my family. I have learned many lessons about life and human-ness along the way. I have studied quantum physics, spiritual teachings, coaching, and Law of Attraction. Like you, I have experienced great heartache and joy, love and forgiveness, bitterness and anger. My personal wellness has become a priority, and I find that I am “better” at 50 than was at 40 (and I was definitely “better” at 40 than I was at 30!). I’m talking emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual wellness! Several years ago, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) found me. EFT is simple and powerful, and I have experienced quantum healing in my life. I’ve also used EFT to help others experience quantum healing. I’m certain the gift of EFT Tapping came to me at exactly the right time in my life, so I could learn it, and share it with the world. It is my intention to be “better” at 60 than I was at 50, and to help as many people as possible during the course of the rest of my life, to experience their own quantum healing and ultimate self-discovery. My children are now young adults living their own lives, and my journey has taken another turn. I love this new phase of life! I have been called a healer and a thought-leader. My personal mission is to inspire others.

It’s time to learn what Emotional Freedom really feels like! I can help!

I am on a life-long quest to enjoy my human-ness, to grow, and to more-fully distinguish myself as I inspire and help others. My ever-growing coaching tool box includes EFT/Tapping, Energy Psychology, NLP, Meditation, Coherence Principles and an innate-sense approach to helping my clients experience their authentic self. 

I’ll hold a space for you that is more glorious than the space you hold for yourself, and I’ll support you as you grow to fill that space.

Let's explore what's possible for you!