You are way more powerful than you know! You have the power to heal all of Humanity.
We’re launching our Online Global Healing Community – with our first ever healing event on Thursday, January 21. For some of you, that’s today! It’s free, it’s 30 minutes, it’s once a month, and we WILL make a difference. Join us by registering here. And you are SO powerful, that even if you can’t make the live call, and you listen to the recording (which will be sent to you if you register), you will have a powerful impact. It’s all explained during this 30-minute event.
So if you can heal humanity, you definitely have the power to create your own reality.
“What?!? If I could create my reality, it would be way different than it is now!”
Well, you DO have the power, and I want to help you discover and harness it. Your reality is based on your thoughts and emotions and beliefs.
So if you don’t like what’s happening in your reality (and I can assure you it’s different than anyone else’s reality), and if you want to change it, you can. You can create a new reality for yourself. I know, because I’ve done it thousands of times. I haven’t always been conscious of doing it, but often I have been.
You can’t force the changes you desire. OK, you could force the changes, but you won’t be happy with the results, they will negatively impact others, and they aren’t likely to last. There’s an easier way.
Here are three things you can do now to begin to shift your reality:
1. Shift your thinking. Notice what you’re thinking about, and ask yourself these questions: a) Are these thoughts serving me? b) Do these thoughts make me feel good? c) Do these thoughts align with my deepest essence? If any the answer to any one of these is “no,” it’s time to consciously shift your thinking.
For example: I stop and notice that I’m thinking about how awful the traffic is. a) are these thoughts serving me? No.; b) No; and c) No. Better shift my thinking. I’ll start thinking about that trip to Mexico in April. Now the answers to the questions are a) yes; b) yes!; and c) yes.
I can already hear some people saying, “But I have to think about that meeting that’s coming up with the big client next week!” Yes, you do. But you don’t have to think about it all the time – set aside dedicated time to productively think about it. And if it makes you feel bad to think about it, ask yourself why? and shift your perspective about that.
2. Become aware of your feelings. Your feelings are the easiest way to know what you’re thinking at the conscious and subconscious levels. If you’re feeling “bad,” or “anxious,” or “stressed,” know that your combined thoughts are giving you this response. And when we feel “bad,” bad feeling experiences are immediately attracted to us. So you’ve got to “tame your wild mind” and move to a higher vibration, a better feeling place. You can do this with your thoughts.
Subconscious thinking is usually patterned and repetitive, and is often very negative, based on past events – mostly from childhood. “Oh my god!” you’re saying. “How can I monitor my subconscious thoughts? How can I change them?” Tapping is the most effective way I know to change old subconscious programmed thinking. In my experience, Tapping gives us the ability to align our conscious and subconscious minds, as well as our body, spirit, and soul – for a direct communication to all parts of us.
3. Use your imagination! Often. Let your mind wander; daydream; fantasize. Visualize and feel the way you want to feel. Do it now – even if you don’t have what you want. And then notice how new things start to come into your reality – people, experiences, and things that feel like what you’ve been imagining. They may not look like what you imagined, but they will feel like your feelings as you imagined. This, in essence, is the power of the Law of Attraction. Like attracts like. It’s not what you ask for as much as it is what you feel for.