The word disease is really dis-ease, or anxiousness. When we are taught as children to not have a voice, or to not speak our truth, or to be seen and not heard, those thoughts, ideas, truths can become dis-ease – usually in our throat area,

Tapping is a wonderful way to relieve this disease, as shown in this article by David Feinstein, PhD, in a peer-reviewed report. Dr. Feinstein is a clinical psychologist and researcher. Here is a portion of the report. 

An interesting theme that was highlighted in the analysis was the use of tapping for addressing physical illnesses. One of the cases reported was of a woman who was diagnosed with cancer in the area of her throat. She sought the services of a tapping therapist in part to help with her terror about the radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

This was accomplished in just a couple of sessions, but the treatment also uncovered a lifelong pattern of her not speaking up or speaking her truth.

In order to examine the links between her suppressed verbal expression (“shoving my truths down my throat,” “keeping what I need to say under my tongue”) and the cancer in the area of her throat, tongue, and vocal cords, the therapist asked her to imagine what was happening in and around her throat.


At first, she saw heavy black tar and cobwebs. As the emotional charges began to lift, the imagery changed until she had a sense of spaciousness and light moving through her throat area . . . the tar and cobwebs were gone.


This was reflected in her CT scans, which far exceeded her oncologist’s expectations, particularly since she had discontinued radiation against his advice and also refused a recommended course of chemotherapy. Rather than increasing in size, all the masses had shrunk, some up to 50%!

Read the full article here, where you can also access the full report.

How Tappers See Tapping

I can site all kinds of anecdotal evidence for this type of result from Tapping. I’m so glad that there are researchers out there who are creating these reports and research papers,

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