Benefits and Side-effects of Tapping

EFT/Tapping has NO known negative side-effects. Seriously! At the very worst, some people have a neutral effect (no change).

That being said, sometimes we “unearth” an old memory or emotion, and the client may react with tears or feeling agitated. We can then use Tapping to reduce or relieve these intense emotions. But that is healing!

The positive side effects, or benefits of Tapping, range from a reduction of anxious feelings or panic; temporary and permanent pain relief; reduction and resolution of symptoms of PSTD; increased creativity; clarity of mind; improved health; much healthier relationships; ability to forgive; release of old, limiting beliefs; and on and on.

Each of us is a unique being. An embodied individuation of the Divine. For me, EFT/Tapping has been the single most powerful tool for helping myself and others to return to wholeness, to embody my True Nature. I could tap all day every day, and I would never be able to become something I’m not, just more of who I am. I can tap with clients, and help guide them to become more of who they are.

Here is a podcast episode I recorded on “Tapping – What Is It Good For?”

And here is the link to an article I wrote on the same topic.