Organizations I Support

Organizations I Support

There are so many ways I want to help people around the world. I find it best to stay focused on what I do best, and support others who do what they do best. So…

A percentage of all gross income from is donated to each of these two amazing organizations, bringing clean water and good food to people across the United States and the world. I also donate to them with my personal income. I hope you will, too!

When you work with me, you support these organizations:

World Central Kitchen (WCK) is an organization that is near and dear to my heart. As a former restauranteur and caterer, I have always loved food and the foodservice industry. WCK’s Founder, Jose Andres, is a world-renowned chef. He started WCK after visiting post-earthquake Haiti. The mission of WCK is to empower vulnerable communities throughout the world. During COVID-19, WCK has worked strategically with restaurants across the globe and their local farm partners. Together they proved thousands of meals every day, keeping the restaurant industry strong during the lockdown, and supporting supply-chain partners. is a human rights nonprofit serving the 2.2 million+ Americans without running water and the sinks, bathtubs, or toilets that the rest of us take for granted.

2.2 million Americans without running water! I live in a place where the water supply seems endless, although I realize it’s not. Can you live on 4 Liters of water per day? Many Americans have less than that. follows THE 100% MODEL

“We know that every dollar you invest in our work is hard-earned and thoughtfully given, so we commit 100% of every donation to water programs.”
A special group of donors covers our operating expenses. We call them The Water Council.



Manifesting Miracles with Tapping – 6 Call Series!

Manifesting Miracles with Tapping – 6 Call Series!

Manifesting Miracles 

Are you ready to manifest miracles in your life?

In this 6-Video Call Workshop, you will manifest actual miracles with Tapping.

The dictionary defines a miracle as:
1an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs
2an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment
3: a divinely natural phenomenon experienced humanly as the fulfillment of spiritual law

Each week we will join together on Zoom for 2 hours, and miracles will begin to happen.
The only thing standing between you and your miracles is your thinking. And we know that Tapping is the fastest way to change our thinking.

Here’s an outline of our calls:
Week 1: How to ask for a miracle. A miracle can happen in any moment. Do you know how to ask for a miracle? Do you know how to recognize it?
I’ll teach you several ways to ask for a miracle. We’ll use Tapping to begin to clear whatever is standing in the way of you receiving your miracle.

“Can I create more than one miracle in this course?” That’s up to you. How willing are you to release your old thinking and allow miracles in? How willing are you to monitor your thinking between calls? And how willing are you to receive and acknowledge the miracles?

Spiritual laws must be observed (consciously or unconsciously) in order to manifest miracles. We’ll learn some of the most powerful spiritual laws in this lesson.

Week 2: We’ll check in on our progress. What miracles have you received this week? Have you still got blocks? Let’s keep Tapping. And asking. You see, we’re working with Divine here. Miracles come from beyond the 3rd Dimension! You can’t effort a miracle into existence. I’ll share more tips to manifesting. Hint: you’ve been working way too hard!

Week 3: Are you getting the hang of this miracle creation?  What are you noticing about what has kept you back. And how do you want to create going forward. You see, Spirit doesn’t create in the past. Spirit doesn’t care what you ask for! Nothing is ‘wrong’ or ‘not spiritual.’

Is there something you really, really, really want? Let’s put in our orders now. And we’ll practice all we’ve learned so far to bring that miracle to manifestation.

“Can I be guaranteed a miracle?” Well, no. But if you do all the things taught in this 4-week course, and practice monitoring your thinking and your Inner Divinity, a miracle is bound to manifest for you. And you’ll gain emotional freedom in the process.

Calls will be as follows:

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 am to noon Pacific Time, for 3 weeks.

Here’s a time converter so you can find your local time.

Tuesday, January 12 and Thursday, January 14,10:00 am to noon
Tuesday, January 19 and Thursday, January 21,10:00 am to noon
Tuesday, January 26 and Thursday, January 28,10:00 am to noon

Click the PayPal button to register. Just $120 for all 6 calls and recordings.

After you pay, you will be sent to the zoom page to get the link. 

If It’s Not Working for You…

If It’s Not Working for You…

If you stop and reflect on your life, you will see many, many patterns. Patterns of habits, patterns of relationships, patterns of results. You may feel they are ‘bad’ or you may feel they are ‘good.’ What I invite you to ask is: “Am I moving towards my greater potential self?”

I have discovered that if you want anything to change, you have to change your thinking. When we change our thinking, everything else becomes possible. Our thinking creates our emotions. And sometimes, our emotions create our thinking. Change your thinking if you want anything to change.

Is there anything in your life that’s not working for you? Here is a 6-step process for change:

-Identify what’s not working. Be specific and make it about YOU. For example: “I feel unloved in my marriage.” Not, “my partner doesn’t love me anymore.”

Notice your emotional reaction to that realization that “I feel unloved in my marriage.”

-Take a few moments to write down your thoughts and feelings about this. Notice, especially, your habitual reactions. Do you blame your partner? Do you think, ‘this always happens to me’? Do you go to despair? “What will I do without their love?” Notice any other knee-jerk thoughts or reactions. As ‘real’ as you think these reactions are, they are simply habits.

Change your thinking. Seriously, just try on a new thought. “What if this isn’t so bad as I’m making out to be?” “What if this  ends up being the best thing that ever happened to me?” “What if Divine has a plan for me that I can’t comprehend yet?” And so on. If you tap around the points while you ask these questions, you will find it exponentially powerful. Tapping does this thing that I describe as ‘loosening up the tightly-held thoughts.’ What it’s really doing is soothing your nervous system so a new, more powerful thought can come in.

-Notice how you want to go back to feeling bad, rather than changing your emotional state. Do some inquiry and Tapping around that. Remember, if you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them. Use my “New Thinking Tapping Protocol” throughout your day, whenever the old thoughts come in.

Keep practicing. Notice any positive changes and shifts.

If you get really stuck in feeling bad, consider scheduling with a practitioner who practices EFT/Tapping; Matrix Reimprinting; and other Energy Psychology modalities. These are the powerful tools for our Consciousness [R]evolution!


Say “Yes!” to Becoming a Non-Smoker

Say “Yes!” to Becoming a Non-Smoker

Are you a smoker? You just can’t seem to quit, or have stopped trying to quit? Do you wish you could take better care of yourself? Do you convince yourself that smoking isn’t hurting you because you still work-out and you don’t have any lung ailments (yet)? You just love smoking too much to give it up! Or you’re just too afraid to quit. I’ve been there.

I know you know how much it’s costing you to keep smoking. At current cigarette prices, a pack-a-day smoker will spend $20,770 over the next 10 years, not to mention the health risks! If you invested that money in a 5% compounding account, after just 5 years, you would have $26,657!



That’s just the financial side of things, and for most of us, that information just isn’t enough to quit. As an ex-smoker who smoked 2 packs-a-day for over 17 years, there is something way deeper than logic and good sense behind quitting smoking. The addiction to cigarettes is super insidious in part because of how often smokers light up. Every time you finish a meal, or every time you go outside, or when you’re alone, or when you need a break at work and want to go outside, and when have a cocktail, or when you finish a project, and on and on. Smokers can’t imagine doing these things without a cigarette. I know, I’ve been there!

You smell like cigarettes (or pot), you spend a lot of time trying to figure out where and when you can smoke –  not everyone around you likes smoking. You limit who you hang out with because of your addiction. You make “choices” based on your addiction. I know, I’ve been there.

And despite this stuff that you already know, you still have persistent “reasons” for continuing to smoke: “I’ll gain weight if I quit”, “I’ll go through withdrawals”, “I’ll be grouchy if I quit”, “Smoking is my friend and companion,” “I’ve tried before – it didn’t work,” etc.

You might even be saying “It’s a free country, I can smoke if I want to,” and yes, it is a free country, and yes, you can smoke if you want to, but let’s be clear: smoking is not freedom, smoking is not a choice. I know, I’ve been there!

If you are ready to gain the freedom of being a non-smoker. If you are even ready to be ready to be ready to consider gaining the freedom of being a non-smoker, I can help! Remember – I’ve been there!

I have created an efficient and effective program for people who want to stop smoking. The results are phenomenal! I can work with you in-person or online. And it’s priced way less than your addiction.

I’m Helen McConnell, and I practice a therapy that incorporates acupuncture meridian points (but without the needles), and psychological techniques (without the years on a couch). My “Say “Yes” to Becoming a Non-Smoker” program will not only free you from the addiction of smoking, but so much more as well! I’m a non-smoker after smoking for 17 years. I’m clean and sober, after 15 years of drinking and using.

But even more important is that I experience emotional freedom every day. I’m comfortable in my own skin most of the time. I am able to be vulnerable, compassionate, powerful, kind, and authentic, while maintaining healthy boundaries.

So ask yourself…”What would my life be like as a non-smoker?” If there is an inkling of light and freedom, I can help you get there. If you only sense scary things, then you are truly in the grip of addiction. Let me help you get free. Schedule a free, no-obligation phone consultation today.

The details about this 5-week* program are here. Yes, in 5 weeks or less, you can be a non-smoker, without going crazy.

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