Forgiveness is one of the most powerful and most misunderstood tools for changing the world!

Forgiveness does not mean that you ‘let the other person off the hook.’ It means you let yourself off the hook. You give yourself the gift of freedom. 

Forgiveness does not mean the other person is not accountable. It means you no longer need to stay in bondage to your resentments. 

For many people, forgiveness feels like an impossibility. But I promise you, it’s not impossible. In fact, it only takes a moment. I encourage you to try it, even if it’s just for a moment.

Do the easy ones first, then work your way to the ones that are more difficult.

Here are three things to remember when you are considering maybe, possibly, forgiving someone:

#1 You cannot heal hate with resentment

#2 They do not see the world as you do. Perhaps they were ‘out of their right mind’ when they said or did what they did.

#3  You can create true change in the world only when you change your thinking.

Here’s a video I created a few years ago about ‘Forgiving Your Ex?’ Maybe this will help you get started.

Try forgiving them for a minute or two. Notice how you feel. If you want to go back to your resentment, you can choose that. But I encourage you to keep trying – a few minutes at a time, until you are ready to let it go permanently.




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